When we hear the 3 R's, we immediately go straight to recycle and don't think about reducing or reusing. In fact, recycling should be a last resort and we should pay attention to our garbage and try extremely hard to not use as much. After we reduce we should reuse objects and share them with others through collaborative consumption. The recycling unit has opened my eyes to all of the garbage that we as humans produce. I often think that my garbage won't harm anything or anyone because it's just me, but I don't think about it adding up through the years and combining with other peoples trash. I learned about the different numbers of recycling and I had no idea that there were 7 different categories. Some of which are rarely recycled and only at certain recycling centers!

As a part of the Green Team, I have accomplished a few things. To begin with my classmate Alec and I went around to about 25 teachers and surveyed them on recycling. We had them evaluate both the school and themselves. We discovered that all 23 of the teachers stated that they recycle regularly at home and try to at school but they don't do it as much. I think that we are all motivated to improve the recycling program at our school but it takes a leader to stand up and start it and that's hopefully what we are doing. I also did fact research on how recycling can save our school money and talked to the facilities director at our elementary school for ways to get the teachers and students on board.

This will always stay with me because it was really eye opening, especially when I look in the garbage cans and see so many recyclable items. Also, I try to stop people if I see them throw recyclable materials in the garbage. Another thing that stuck out to me was when we counted the number of the recycling bins and trash cans at our school. It's set up so that every 5-10 feet there is either a trash can or recycling bin so the lazy people don't have an option. We found out that there are way more trash cans than there are garbage cans. With all of this in mind, I hope to continue to change the way the school recycles.
Wow! This is so true! I'm intrested in recycling as well, and I'm always trying to get my family to use those reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags. Even though you can recycle the plastic bags, why use them in the 1st place if you don't need to?!? I found you on comments 4 kids (just so you don't think I'm a stalker :) and we're commenting on a blog of our choice for class. I couldn't find a good one, but this one grabbed me since I'm "green". Great blog!