Saturday, November 27, 2010

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert is an inspiration to me. Before reading this article about him here, I had no idea of who he was. The struggles he goes through everyday are unimaginable. Ebert lost his lower jaw after he had surgery done for jaw cancer. But he didn't know that it would change him forever. He can no longer speak, eat or swallow but he still sees the bright side in everything and is still doing the thing he loves. Being a movie critic.

After I read the article, I started to really appreciate everything that I have. Ebert didn't know that he would never be able to talk again but that didn't stop him. We tend to take too many things for granted and at times feel as if we are in the worst position. But we don't realize that there are so many other people struggling not by choice. Most people express there emotions by talking, yelling at people or eating food for comfort. But all Ebert has is a blue post it note. Yet after everything he has been through, he still continues his job and hasn't given up. That to me is truly inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew Roger Ebert, thanks to you I now know what he is and how badly he got it. This inspirsers me like you thank you.
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