Friday, February 4, 2011

It's a Wrap!

Well it's been a while since i've blogged but i'm back! Recently I just finished my study on the hope, humanity and human spirit unit. As our final project, my group and I decided to interview various students, teachers, parents and kids about what it really means to be human. The questions we asked were:

1. What does hope mean to you?
2. What does it mean to be human?
3. Is there an experience you can share with us when you gained or lost hope?
4. Can you have hope without going through a hardship?
5. Do you have hope for humanity?

These are the questions that our class has been pondering for a while now and the responses we got were unbelievable. Many people didn't want to respond because it was harder than they thought and others took about 3-4 days to come up with an answer that they were content with. All of the different answers to what made us human and what hope truly is, surprised me. When we wrote down the questions, I had no clue as to what my answers were going to be and I sort of thought others would be able to answer it easily and not as thorough. Also, people shared personal experiences of when they had hope or someone they know and love concurred a struggle so it gave them hope.

When it came time for me to answer the questions, it took me a while to prepare. In the end, I believe that hope is the thing that keeps us going and looking on the positive side. It gets us through major and/or minor struggles and therefore can be used in many situations. The first time I was describing humanity or being a human, I couldn't do it. I thought of us having emotions but animals have emotions too when they want to protect their young. I finally figured out my definition of being a human and it is that we feel for others, communicate in a different and more technological way than animals and we have taken over the world and put the responsibility among ourselves to save the world.

From all of the responses we got, my group and I created a video that I think greatly shows the various answers we received. It's a brief trailer from what our actual video will look like. Take a look and please comment your opinions to the questions and video!

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